Monday, March 11, 2019

Farm Life

A breathtaking, beautiful horizon across the pastures.
Thoughts of days gone by, yesteryear, as I load
the truck for today's sales.  A treasure of blossoms
to brighten a heart, to lift a spirit and to freshen the air.

Time waits for no one.  At the break of dawn, I shall
travel many miles to bring smiles of delight to
homes of the unknown.

As dusk descends I travel home for a
a festive sanctuary of stews and bread and to
add a bouquet of wondrous colors to lighten the
burden of farm life and struggles to survive.

Yet again I arise to smell the flowers.

©Regina Phillips 2019


  1. Your poem is also a breathtaking vision and journey of flowers to their destination to the farm. Flowers always are a wonderful accent to the table and to the heart. Your lovely poem captures that wonderfully.

  2. Oh, I love this journey of blossoms. It brings color and sunshine to a life that is tough.

  3. What a great idea, Regina, of you actually delivering the flowers and potted plants for sale by those wishing to impart their love. And written in a very interesting way . . . beautiful . . . :)

  4. I like that it reads like a journal entry, a glimpse into someone's days which tells us all sorts of wonders about her heart.

  5. Thank you to everyone! Carrie has inspired me to write and I am learning from all of you!!

  6. Traveling with you through a beautiful poem, lovely write, Regina.

  7. I agree with a Magaly about it sounding like a journal entry. Maybe that’s why the imagery was so good. Lovely poem, Regina.


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