Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Star Gazing

Photo Courtesy of Pexels' Paul Basel
The Wednesday Muse #6

The brilliance of city lights out shines the stars at night
nothing to gaze upon, but tall buildings of cement and glass
light reflecting off of glass reflecting off of lights

The joy of country life where night skies are clear and stars are visible
to watch in wonder as lightning bugs flash in and out of darkness
bringing more appeal to the blackness of the sky

Once again the moon rises with hopes of illuminating the hue of blue to transform the city sky with a star or two to gaze and wish upon

©Regina Phillips 2019


  1. Yes I hear you....the city has it's draw backs and that is one of them. The country is the place to be when star gazing. This is wonderful and true Regina!

    1. Thanks! So true Carrie, but not so many lightning bugs anymore; but still enjoyable to look at the night sky.

  2. I too hope the wish come true. I can hardly wait for the lightning bugs to come out. Nice work!

    1. Thanks! As a youngster in the late 60's and 70's I spent the summers in the country and along with my siblings and cousins we caught lighning bugs in jars along with other insects; what fun and also a wonderful memory.

  3. Hard to see stars in the city.......and so lovely when we get glimpses. This is lovely.


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