Friday, June 7, 2019

Laughter: Ghostly Apparation

Art by Regina

Remember how you can draw a character with letters?

Well, one day after I got out of the shower I wrote the
word boy on the bathroom mirror and I connected
the letters to make a boys’ head.

Well by the time I came out, of course the little boy had
vanished.  So, for the rest of the week, whenever my ex
husband showered the boy would appear.

After the 2nd day, when he exited the shower, he ran to
me all excited and said, “Gina, whenever I get out of the 
shower a little boy keeps appearing in the mirror!

I was shocked and went to see, all the while trying
to contain my laughter; the young man had nearly
faded away.

Well, long story short, I showed him the trick and
it wasn’t so funny to him at that moment.  He thought
he was being visited by a child ghost…LOL.

Priceless!!!!  I could not stop laughing.

In my family, we dub priceless moments and laugh about
them at get togethers!

© Regina Phillips 2019


  1. This is hilarious Regina! He deserved a good scare anyway! I am sure that one has been talked about a time or to. LOL

  2. How funny! I feel like doing this to my husband. He is such a know-it-all sometimes. I wonder how long it would be before he told me.this is truly priceless.


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